“But…why me? There are thousands of stars just like me! Better than me!...So, why me?”
This tiny twinkling star asked the Moon as they were alone, up there in the sky.
So, the Moon replied:
I know that you are the star,
Let thousands of others be…
I don’t care what they are,
As,in my heart…far they are.
I like the way, you give way for others,
I like your smiling face that glows,
I like those unspoken words in your eyes,
I like the sky, with just both of us.
You are my shine,
You are my confidence,
For you I stand bright,
For you I spread the light.
I search for you when the sun shines,
I rise on the hope, that you are fine,
I ask myself – what makes me live? what makes me die?
I know, for sure – its just you and your love for me dear!
So, here I am,
With a promise to hold your hand
Till the apocalypse takes us apart…
Will you marry me?