Yesterday, on my way to the grocery shop, I witnessed this minor accident where one Swift-y hit one Bike-y and the bike got struck under the Swift’s bumper.
The bike-y tried hard for 2-3 minutes to take his bike out from its “hayyo paavam” position…finally succeeded in pulling it out in full working condition.
Our Swift-y gentleman was sitting inside the car all this while and after confirming that the bike is out without any damage…he got out of the car in a “what the hell did you do to my bumper” expression and directly looked at the car bumper and then at the bike-y asked him ”don’t you have eyes”????
Then the 2 gentlemen kept competing on “who blames the other best?”….the rest is history.
You may be thinking…what is new in this situation? There is nothing new! – Well, that’s exactly my worry!
The other day, after going through one whole page of news on child molest, gang rape, bank robbery, hit and run…I heard my grandmother mumbling “Kaliyugam! alladhakki enna chollaradhu”? (Translation – “Kaliyugam! What else can I say?”)
Before checking his car bumper, the swift-y is not even looking at the bike-y to check whether he is ok.
His car is more valuable than a human life. Now the question is “What if the mistake was on Bike-y’s part?” – of course!, there are 2 sides to every coin. And I don’t know the other side as I didn’t see it.
But, the question here is not about who is right and who is wrong.
The question is, how much does a human life value to you? When the world is going gaga about sustainability, go green, global warming etc etc….the basic itself is getting destabilized.
To me, kaliyugam is not about just bad happenings all around. It is the gradual fear which is gripping human mind!
A bike-y is scared to give lift to a pedestrian, a lady is scared to travel alone at night, a parent is worried about the kid when they are not around…there is a fear in everyone…and its gradually spreading.
Probably this swift-y pretended to be more concerned about his car than the bike-y because he feared that he would be asked money if he pretended to be a caring human being!
That’s the irony….The belief that if you are good, you will be deceived and be taken advantage of!
Be strong, be bold, be courageous to face kaliyugam….but, try to be human as well!
The bike-y tried hard for 2-3 minutes to take his bike out from its “hayyo paavam” position…finally succeeded in pulling it out in full working condition.
Our Swift-y gentleman was sitting inside the car all this while and after confirming that the bike is out without any damage…he got out of the car in a “what the hell did you do to my bumper” expression and directly looked at the car bumper and then at the bike-y asked him ”don’t you have eyes”????
Then the 2 gentlemen kept competing on “who blames the other best?”….the rest is history.
You may be thinking…what is new in this situation? There is nothing new! – Well, that’s exactly my worry!
The other day, after going through one whole page of news on child molest, gang rape, bank robbery, hit and run…I heard my grandmother mumbling “Kaliyugam! alladhakki enna chollaradhu”? (Translation – “Kaliyugam! What else can I say?”)
Before checking his car bumper, the swift-y is not even looking at the bike-y to check whether he is ok.
His car is more valuable than a human life. Now the question is “What if the mistake was on Bike-y’s part?” – of course!, there are 2 sides to every coin. And I don’t know the other side as I didn’t see it.
But, the question here is not about who is right and who is wrong.
The question is, how much does a human life value to you? When the world is going gaga about sustainability, go green, global warming etc etc….the basic itself is getting destabilized.
To me, kaliyugam is not about just bad happenings all around. It is the gradual fear which is gripping human mind!
A bike-y is scared to give lift to a pedestrian, a lady is scared to travel alone at night, a parent is worried about the kid when they are not around…there is a fear in everyone…and its gradually spreading.
Probably this swift-y pretended to be more concerned about his car than the bike-y because he feared that he would be asked money if he pretended to be a caring human being!
That’s the irony….The belief that if you are good, you will be deceived and be taken advantage of!
Be strong, be bold, be courageous to face kaliyugam….but, try to be human as well!