Sunday, January 17, 2010


Scenario 1

Person 1 - Hey Person 2, u look awesome in this dress da...
Person 2 - Oh...really? this is one of my oldest dresses....

Scenario 2

Person 1 - Hey, Person 2, nice dress...this suits u very well...
Person 2 - Oh.....this costs just 200 rs it from some bazaar...

How many times have you come across such a situation? You could have been in person 1 or 2 position...But, i will bite my ears if u say "never" to my question here....

Of course...i have encountered this situation n number of times (stopped counting after a point of time...thats y saying n)...Was reacting like person 2 till i was enlightened by the assertive thought of "why the hell am i not saying thank you to these compliments?"

Hold on...what am i trying to say? Simple...

Let us learn to say thank you to the compliments rather than being shy and justifying the compliment with some silly dialogues...

Now, why am i saying this? Again simple...

If we start saying thank you to the compliments without unnecessarily questioning the intention of the giver,
1) it makes our life easier
2) removes so called inferiority complex
3) increases confidence

Woh woh woh...don't take this to the extent u r thinking right "what if the giver thinks that i am proud, if i just say thank you"?? answer is...such a person doesn't know you :) so....chill!!!


  1. Ha ha...liked your thought..something which wil never happen to each one of us easily...i think its the ego that hold us back we were always tuned like that... anyway good that you started writin the way i liked the evolution of your thought...waiting for many such scribling....sister

  2. Good post :) Definitely something to think about...

  3. Very nice blog! Not many people think along these lines...

  4. Great BLOG dear!! Am happy you've started off!! I can just imagine you saying what you've written... :) Keep it coming gurl!!!

  5. hey dear, great start to enter the blogging universe:-), you have 5 ppl to thank now (including me)...:-)

  6. Been there :)

    And By default my answer was a BIG SMILE & Lotta blushing n THANK UUUUUUUUUUU ....

    :) I have always made the other person blush as well

    About the times i could nt resist complimenting, most of the responses were ..WOW.. Thanku or Really? :D -Blush

    Few rare weirdo's reply were - U kidding? or a dry Yeah i know.... ;)

    The later totally turns of the switch.

  7. Nice blog veena. I used to to do those explanations when someone compliments me, when i was back in India. But after coming here(US) i observed that compliments play a vital role in all relationships.For instance, small kid (hardly 5 years) helped his dad in cleaning their house by taking his toys one by one (as much as he can), once the kid was done; his dad said thank you to the 5 year old, that was so nice. Back in India we take most people we love for granted. I learnt this lesson after coming here. And like you said, i once . complimented a person's dress (in a Club in NY-hardly few Indians) she said thank you graciously; the person next to me (who happened to be an Indian) said to me "she was rude can you believe it? "; i just avoided her comment and danced off. I always go by "Thank you" or "I know" ;) based on my mood :)
